Thursday, May 20, 2010

23RAINYDAYS | The Enemy

23Rainydays wears their look and influence firmly on their sleeves. The look clearly derived from goth and a sound that comes from equal parts dance music and punk this L.A. band wants you to take notice of them... and not always for the best.

Lead singer Ian Kaine MacGregor tries a little too hard to sound like his English goth-pop influences. Instead of saying "my" it comes out a "moy" and so on and so on. What they lack for imagination and originality is made up with catch album titles, Instruments of Fashion And The Murder of Romance. While bands like Deadsy have come off as hard and more catchy, 23's best song "Goodnight & Goodbye" isn't featured on this album.

The boys need to stop trying so hard to be edgy and focus more on the music.

MP3: 23Rainydays - Get A Gun

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