We had the opportunity to pick his brainy-brain a little bit. Make sure to check out his work linked throughout the interview.
Bona Fide Darling: How did you get started doing gig posters? Who was the first band you worked with?
The first REAL gig poster I did was for the Cocky Americans at the Cavern. I don't feel comfortable with some of my decisions regarding the fonts now but think it came out OK. The inspiration came from a Richard Gere quote that the Guitarist in Cocky Americans had as his quote on Myspace at the time. Yes, you read that correctly, Richard Gere as muse.
BFD: What drew you to being a designer?
GM: I became a designer because my roomie at the time (early 2000's) started a website. We reviewed CD's and interviewed bands and eventually put out a monthly eZine. It was fun but at the start it looked like we made it in MS Word. We started getting interviews with people like David Cross and Flava Flav, so the site needed to look professional. So basically being ashamed of how it looked pushed me to design. Which is weird if you've seen my wardrobe.
GM: I try and start from scratch each time. I sometime blare a song over and over and make that the inspiration....but I also use what I know of the people in the band to influence my design. Sometimes I just start in a style I haven't explored and adapt it around the band.
BFD: Do you ever get tired of winning the Observer's "Poster of The Week?"
No, it's great and has done nothing but bring me more business that I can handle. Plus it's always god to win something, right?
GM: Bands have been a piece of cake. Never had a problem....except rush orders. Only had to start from scratch once.
Individual promoters can be another story. Especially when they art direct. Stick to the...whatever it is you do.
GM: I always ask a band for ideas when we first make contact. I'm making something for them. That always needs to be remembered. If I asked a band to write a song for me, paid them, then I'd expect their input. Most of the time after 2 posters I have an idea what they want. For bigger shows, I welcome bands ideas.
GM: Whiskey, Old yearbooks, Tears, Repeat. Then, I usually try and gestate a theme or look away from the computer. Unfortunately, I draw like Verbal Kint, so sketching is rudimentary at best and most ideas just live in my head. I really love fonts and have probably spent half my life looking for the perfect one for the design.
GM: Everyone. I mean everyone that posts on Gigposters.com. Others: Signalnoise, Abduzeedo's Daily Inspiration Post, fffound.com, some new stuff from Modern Anthem, Todd Slater, Sagemeister (more outlook than asthetic), FarmBarn, Wierhouse, Jordan Gray....more that I'm blanking on now...The best thing about the internet is the inspiration is endless. I occasionally get lost in a complete strangers Flickr or deviantArt gallery for hours.
GM: I don't favor one style over another. Depends on the band. Really got drawn into the country poster look (which shocked the hell outta me). Just some cool Texas vibe.
GM: By far. Took me far too long to get this old image looking like I wanted it, but I like it.
GM: (plug) lokelyokelshow.com you mean? I knew Simon, Chad & Pete from the Libertine. It's really my 2nd home.
Simon figured the only way to get me out of his bars was to distract me with a podcast. My friends from Somebody's Darling went on the show and when they left, I just kinda stayed and Chad asked me keep coming on, and it just kinda worked. It's been a blast. I've gotten free concerts from Ishi, Sorta, Paul Slavens, Ryan Thomas Becker (the only man with 3 1st names I've ever trusted), The O's...and the Haiti fundraiser at the Libertine was a blast. Too bad Chad Wycleffed all the proceeds on some girl from Cedar Hill.
GM: National - TV on the Radio
Local - RTB2
Like both bands and wanna play with the letters on each. Plus, they're very visual with they're music/lyrics.
gavin is a feckin badass! great interview!
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