Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yeah, They Local | Analog Rebellion

I've been looking for some local rock that I can get behind, something that makes me actually want to come back again. While there isn't a shortage of actual rock bands in our fair burg, they don't seem to get the recognition that our alt-, roots, folk and whatever other country style bands do. But, there is only so much Black Tie Dynasty Spektor 45 that I can take before I want to gouge my ears out.

But, hellooooo Analog Rebellion. Rock may be taking it a little far, but it has rock attitude, it's earnest, moody and... well, rock. Sure, "Marla Singer Doesn't Take Standardized Tests (Disposable Smile)" doesn't come off as the turn it up rocker you would expect, but, it's only the tip of the iceberg. Listen to any song from Ancient Electrons and it's bound to get stuck in the earhole and not come out.

MP3: Analog Rebellion - Marla Singer Doesn't Take Standardized Tests (Disposable Smile)

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