Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ray Digs Meg

I saw Ray LaMontagne at the old Gypsy Tea Room once. Once. You may be thinkin' to yourself 'Why would you do such a thing?" It was for a chick. That's right, for a chick. But, for the record she wanted to go because Rachel Yamagata was opening for him. Which I guess doesn't make it much better does it?

Anyhoo, Stereogum is streaming the new Ray LaMontagne single "Meg White." And as you might imagine--it's about the drummer for the White Stripes. I have to admit, I've had a thing for Meg for quite a while. I'm not sure if it's because of her milky white skin or raven hair. Or if you look at the above pic of her you'd know why. If I would've known at the time that ol' Ray and I shared a fondness for Meg maybe I would've given him a shot. Maybe.

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