Friday, October 10, 2008

Recession Ender

So it seems that Guns N' Roses long awaited Chinese Democracy will finally see the light of day according to Billboard. The record is coming out on November 23, which is a Sunday, and will be available at Best Buy--only at Best Buy.

With it taking 15 years for this album to come out I would imagine there are enough people who were fans of them, and enough people who have discovered them and become fans to go out and buy this album and single handedly bring our country out of it's financial crisis. But, then Dr. Pepper will go out of business because they have to give every American a free can of DP. So, there's that.
I am excited to hear what the new record sounds like. I've been a fan since I was a young rebellious youth and it should be good. But, what happens if it sucks? That alone should set enough people of to riot and loot.

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